Our Story

Introducing Us 

In Dubai, a city that mirrors our dreams with its towering aspirations and vibrant pulse, we found each other. Sam, a compassionate registered nurse with over eight years of dedication to her craft, and Charles, an innovative entrepreneur who has been shaping his vision into reality for the past three years in Dubai. Our professions hint at who we are, but it's our shared love for life's adventures that truly defines us. 

A Connection Sparked Online - November 2022 

Our journey began in the digital realm, where shared interests and dreams drew us together, leading to a meaningful connection. Deciding to meet in person was a leap of faith that brought us to a significant crossroads. Our first meeting in Dubai wasn't just a date; it was the start of an extraordinary journey.

Cherishing the Simple and the Grand 

As our relationship deepened, so did our adventures. We traveled to each other's home countries—Belgium and the Philippines—embracing our families and cultures. Our wanderlust took us to the USA, Estonia, Sweden, Turkey, and the Czech Republic, where we indulged in the local culture, food, and medieval-themed taverns. But it wasn't just the grand adventures that brought us closer; it was also the simple, everyday moments. Cooking together, watching movies and series, playing board games and escape games, engaging in sports, and working out together. These moments underscored our belief that life's true value lies in experiences, not material possessions. 

Growing Together 

Our bond is strengthened by more than just shared interests; we inspire each other to be our best selves. Charles encouraged Sam to embrace a healthy lifestyle, pursue her dreams, and nurture her creative spirit. Sam inspired Charles to let go of certain vices and continuously strive for self-improvement. Together, we balance and complement each other, embodying the Architect personality type (INTJ), with Sam as INTJ-A and Charles as INTJ-T. This shared trait has helped us understand and support each other deeply. 

A Proposal and a Future Dream - December 24, 2023 

Among these cherished moments, one shines brightly: our engagement in Dubai, under the stars, where Charles proposed, and Sam said yes. It was a promise of forever, a commitment to a future filled with love, adventure, and shared dreams. 

Embarking on a New Adventure - May 28, 2024

Choosing May 28, 2024, for our wedding was an easy decision. We're eager to celebrate our love and start our forever together. As we plan our wedding and look forward to our move to the USA, we're excited for the new adventures and challenges that await us. This move marks not just a change in location but a significant step in our journey together as a married couple. 

A Message to Our Loved Ones 

As we invite you to join us in celebrating our union, we reflect on the journey that has brought us here—a journey filled with love, adventure, and the simple joys that make life beautiful. We're grateful for the experiences that have shaped us, the lessons learned, and the love shared. We look forward to embarking on this new chapter together, with hearts full of hope and excitement for the future.